Compliance Package

Fire & Emergency Response Procedures

Employers know they have a responsibility to provide a safe work place for their employees including during emergencies. This is a requirement under the new Work Health & Safety Regulations 2011.

Building owners and controllers of a facility also have a duty of care to make sure that occupants and visitors are safe in the building including during emergencies.

AS3745…planning for Emergencies

Fire & Emergency Response Procedures – a brief summary

The SafeGuard program does this in two stages:

1. Establishment of the Facility/Building

Our establishment phase is designed to develop the emergency evacuation management plan procedure manuals, evacuation plans, warden list and training venues.

This process will include:

  • Conduct a site inspection to document the emergency services located at the site and provide Warden Nomination forms to the site manager to distribute to the staff.
  • Design and prepare an Emergency Evacuation Management Plan Manual for your facility/building.
  • Where included, design evacuation diagrams for the building, based on existing drawings, identifying escape routes and emergency assembly areas, orientation in accordance with the new AS 3745-2010.
  • Development of emergency evacuation management plan manuals, to be provided to the Property Manager, Chief and Deputy Chief Warden’s, and each floor of the premises.

2. The Annual Emergency Control Program – Training

SafeGuard will provides the three essential components of the service in an annual training package, spread at intervals of no greater than six months. The service is designed to identify and train the right people as wardens, make sure you have the right management systems in place to deal with all compliance obligations and ensure that staff or tenants are fully aware and trained in risk management procedures. These components include the following:

Warden Training

SafeGuard will provide the three essential components of the service in an annual training package, spread at intervals of no greater than six months. The service is designed to identify and train the right people as wardens, make sure you have the right management systems in place to deal with all compliance obligations and ensure that staff or tenants are fully aware and trained in risk management procedures. These components include the following:

Evacuation Training

This session focuses on the selection and role of the Emergency Control Organisation (EC), intensive training for staff on different types of emergencies, evacuation procedures and wardens’ roles and responsibilities in an emergency.

Fire Equipment Training

Provide and monitor an annual evacuation exercise for the facility. This exercise will include a briefing and de-briefing session with the wardens. The actual role of SafeGuard is that of an observer. It is critical that the trial evacuation simulate a real emergency which in turn requires the Emergency Control Organisation to comprehensively “manage” the activity.

Fire Equipment Training

This component of our annual training package is a practical hands-on training session for wardens including:

  • Training and a practical demonstration in the use of portable fire equipment (where practicable).
  • An overview of emergency control procedures.
  • Training in the emergency procedures for telephone and letter bomb threats.

The warden register is updated after each session, and a revised edition is forwarded to you for your records.

At completion of the annual training program a ‘certification of compliance’ will be issued in accordance with AS3745.

EVACUATION DIAGRAMS and AS3745- 2010 – Summary as per web site.